Bunaken Sea park the best diving experiences in the world

Bunaken Sea park

Bunaken national Park is a marine park positioned in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The park is positioned inside the Coral Triangle, a habitat for 390 species of coral reefs and diverse species of fish, mollusks, reptiles and marine mammals. Kruger national Park is consultant of Indonesian marine ecosystems, which includes seagrass meadows, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems.
Bunaken country wide Park is a traveller spot positioned within the Bay of Manado - North Sulawesi with a place of ​​about eight.08 square kilometers, the traveller points of interest this is one part of pemeritahan city of Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi. here there's a very beautiful Marine Park located across the island of Manado Tua (Mantehage and Siladen). to enjoy the underwater ecosystem Bunaken you need to dive into and pass to the rhythm of the waves flowing.

Bunaken Sea park

Bunaken marine park has a 20 point dive (dive spot) with varying depths of up to 1344 meters. Of the 20 factor dive, the 12 point dive in which are positioned across the island of Bunaken. Twelve factor of diving is the maximum frequently visited by way of divers and fanatics of the splendor of the underwater scenery.

Bunaken Sea park

attraction of the top notch underwater global can be observed right here, there are approximately thirteen species of coral reefs that rose steeply downward vertical intensity of approximately 25-50 meters. you'll additionally see the points of interest 91 species of fish within the Bunaken Marine Park. among other white koi (Seriola rivoliana), neighborhood gusimi (Hippocampus), indigo trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus), goropa (spilotocepsep hinephelus and hypselosoma Pseudanthias), yellow tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), and lots of others. now not best that right here is likewise determined mollusks consisting of fish heads goat (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), massive clams (Tridacna gigas) and tunikates or askidian.

Bunaken Sea park

For the traveller who likes scuba diving, this area is one of the nice proper to perform such sports. there are approximately 20 factors that may be used for diving, where you will get a chance to swim into the ocean with disekelilingi various marine existence very enthralling.

Bunaken Sea park

here is the map that you can visit , i hope you realy enjoy this trip

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