Togean Island, The Hidden Paradise in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Togean islands

Central Sulawesi Island Togean save the beauty that is extraordinary. Also called the Raja Ampat in Sulawesi. This attraction is located in Central Sulawesi Islands, precisely at a bay named Tomini, Tojo Una-Una - Central Sulawesi, and one of the national parks with an area of 302,000 square hectares. Its territory is divided into two parts, namely land and sea.

Location Togean very secluded and very far away from the city center, yet traditional unspoiled nature is the main attraction for tourists to visit the island of Sulawesi. Characteristic of the island in Togean is unique, because it comes from the hills of limestone (karst) works of ancient coral animals.

Togean Island

Togean Island

Togean has a high diversity of habitats, ranging from hilly forest, lowland tropical forests, coastal forests, mangrove forests, lakes, waterfalls, seagrass beds and coral reefs. The only coral reef ecosystem is the most complete in Indonesia can only be found in Togean. Various types of ecosystems such as coral edge (fringing reef), coral (barrier reef), coral ring (atoll), the walls of the reef (reef wall) and underwater caves found in Togean.

Togean Island

Togean Island

Tourist sites in Togean are perfect for lovers of the underwater for so many different types of coral that are rarely encountered in other places and even some types of coral and marine life that can only be found in the islands Togean. According to residents of one of the best locations for diving and snorkeling in Tanjung Keramat, Togean is on the northern island Waleabahi. Its position on the east side of the island. The vast expanse of coral reefs with white sandy shore a very beautiful feast for the eyes.
Togean Island

Togean Island

Clusters of the hill were similar to Bukit Barisan Selatan in Sumatra, with a horizontal shape, but the difference Bukit Togean splitting Tomini. There are dozens of islands located in the Tomini. Some of the most popular are waleakodi, Unauna, TalaTakoh Island, Kadidiri, Malenge, Stone Kada, while the largest island, located in Tojo is the island Waleabahi

Togean Island

Togean Island

Togian islands most interesting Palu

Una Una Island

Togean Island

Togean Island

On this island very different that of sand along the beach on the island Una Una Togean color is black, according to the history of the cause is derived from colossal eruption several centuries ago, but Mount Colo island Unauna has still listed the old volcano is still active. For travelers, it expected more cautious when traveling to the crater Colo. On the island there is also Unauna lake inhabited jellyfish without the sting on the north side of the island Togean, adding privilege this region.

Togean Island

Kadidiri Island

kadidiri island

An island with a sharp Barrier Reef, and as a traveler's favorite place to perform activities of snorkeling, this is paradise reef life Togean.

kadidiri island

Kadidiri Island is the most popular islands, beautiful beaches with snorkeling and diving location is perfect. on the west coast, there is a row of cliffs is a habitat of coral crab. The main residential areas on the island are the village of Katupat Togean, because around the island there is a beach area more beautiful and very appropriate for trekking.

Batu Daka island

batu daka island

batu daka island

Batudaka Island is the largest island and is most easily accomplished in the archipelago Togean. In Pulau Batu Daka, besides the village of Bomba as a residential village, there is a village Wakai to the place of departure to the island Kadidiri which is a tourist spot in the islands Togean.
In the village of Bomba is very suitable for swimming and snorkeling, besides the tourists can visit the bat cave is not too far from the village of Bomba.

Waleabahi  Island

waleabahi island

Waleabahi Island located in the region Togean Islands National Park. Islands are located in the central Gulf of Tomini is located in Tojo Una Una regency, Central Sulawesi province.
Here is a paradise for divers, when we dive in the sea waleabahi would feel like being in an aquarium is very large, with its underwater beauty and visibility of 35 meters, and the water was very calm and visibility is crystal clear, and coral reefs great colorful and varied fish around.

waleabahi island

Waleakodi Island

waleakodi island

waleakodi island

Tala Takoh Island

Tala Takoh Island

Togean Islands

Malenge Iisland

malenge island

Togean Islands

These Islands Traveling Togean

Togean Islands

You can reach Togean with two alternative routes, namely via Gorontalo or via Palu. These are the easiest and cheapest so many people who choose it is via ferry Tuna Gorontalo Tomini. You do not need to travel very far inland. From Gorontalo Jalaluddin Airport, you can rent a vehicle for the Port of Gorontalo and then continue the journey by ferry Tuna Tomini to Wakai, Togean. However, the ship is just departing on Tuesday and Friday around 18:00 pm with a travel time of approximately 12 hours.
After arriving at the destination, visitors are greeted by the expanse of trees Mangrove and expanse of seagrass, ie a pasture very broad, grass in seagrass manifold grass beach that nourishes marine mammals and other marine species that live in Togean around the island of Sulawesi.

Togean Islands

Activities Travelers Togean

Togean Islands

tourist activities that we can do on the island Togean include : diving and surfing on the island Kadidiri, fishing, adventure exploring the forest in the island Malenge, and climbing mountains in the island Una Una Colo.
Traveled to the island Togean not complete if you do not dive into the sea Togean. Sulawesi is known to be very rich in marine life, fish in the island Togean thousands in number and have a very large size, the amount of plankton uncontaminated is the main factor. we can see gray reef sharks, fish-eyed trevally, manta rays, as well as pilot whales. If lucky we can find some species of dolphins are playing attracted the attention of tourists.

Togean Islands


Togean Islands

In the islands of Togean, there are various accommodation options, from luxury resorts to simple homestay. Since there are many small islands, the location of the inn was not only located on one island. Each island has its own charm. Kadidiri Island is the most famous of the islands here for its beautiful beaches. Wakai Island, where you get off the ship, is the largest and has the highest number of homestay. You can also stay on the island Unauna, Bomba, or Waleabahi.

Togean Islands

Here is the map that you can visit, I hope you really enjoy the best place in Indonesia, the best destination in Indonesia, the best trip for the traveler and the best for your vacation and holiday in Indonesia.

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