Ijen Mountain, very exotic crater in Indonesia

About Mount Ijen

Ijen Mountain

Ijen mountain is an active volcano located on the border between Banyuwangi and Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia. This mountain has an altitude of 2443 meters above sea level and is located adjacent to the Mount Merapi. Ijen mountain last erupted in 1999. One of the most famous natural phenomenon of Mount Ijen crater is located at the peak. To climb this mountain to be departing from Banyuwangi or dariBondowoso.

Ijen Mountain

Mount Ijen, or better known by the crater ijen, is one of the mountains which is still active today. Has an altitude of 2443 m above sea level, walled caldera as high as 300-500 m and has 4 times erupted in 1796, 1817, 1913 and 1936.
Ijen volcano is a complex consisting of the crater of Ijen and the high plains. This area is located in three districts namely Situbondo, Bondowoso and Banyuwangi.

Ijen Mountain

Ijen crater is the largest crater lake in the center of the world, which can produce 36 million cubic meters of sulfur and hydrogen chloride with an area of ​​approximately 5,466 hectares. Hazardous crater has incredible beauty with turquoise sulfur lake with dramatic touch. Lake Ijen has zero degrees of acidity and has a depth of 200 meters. Very strong acidity can dissolve clothing and a human finger.

Travel route

To reach this area, there are two
Ijen Mountain

ways, first through the town of Banyuwangi as far as 38 km to the west through the slippery-Guava-Paltuding. The second way is through the city eastwards Bondowoso through Wonosari-Sempol-Paltuding as far as 70 km. But although much of this second way that most visitors chosen because the road is paved smooth. While the route passing Banyuwangi still a macadam path with a fairly steep incline.

Sulfur miners crater

Ijen Mountain

There is a mining location in Mount Ijen become another major uniqueness of the crater tour in addition to the beauty of the panorama is there. Place of extraction of sulfur contained in the bottom of the crater, parallel to the surface of the lake. Always thick white smoke spurted out through the iron pipe which is connected to a source of sulfur. Although the smoke is quite thick at this location, but with a sort of makeshift breathing apparatus cover damp cloth or glove, the miners risked his life to get down to the bottom of the crater. From this bright red fumaroles melt melted out and directly exposed to the cold air freezes, forming solid bright yellow sulfur. Sulfur rocks is what will be taken. Cut with the help of a crowbar and then directly transported in baskets.

Another charm Ijen Regions

Ijen Mountain

Ijen Mountain

If you liked the atmosphere of the plantation, memorable place to spend the night is Guest House Coffee Plantation PTP Nusantara XII in Kalisat, Jampit. These plantations are skipped when heading through the route Bondowoso Ijen region. There is also a package serving agrotourism visiting coffee plantations and see the coffee beans processing unit. In addition, there is also Pondok Wisata in Paltuding fairly clean, or it could open the tent in the campsite Paltuding.

Here is the map that you can visit, i hope you really enjoy the best place in indonesia, the best destination in indonesia, the best trip for traveler and the best for your vacation and holiday in indonesia.

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